I have visited the desert for the first time in North Africa when i was about 7 years old and was fascinated by it since, however a recent reminder refreshed my memory…
I recently visited desert again in UAE and spent the evening and night there sleeping under the stars, i could not felt more like at home then.
The looks of the sand dunes and wilderness behind it blew my mind…
The warm and slightly coarse touch of the sand on my naked legs and feet felt welcoming as i was walking further away from the camp to watch the sunset on my own… totally alone just me and the desert…
The colours of the sky changed from sunny, golden yellow to pink then to purple to grey and dark blue, it seemed like time did not exist
The temperature drop is so significant that from being so hot and removing most of my clothes i got a bit chilly as the sun set and the wind started to blow this nice, long awaited fresh breeze
As most people have left, it became more and more silent more still, i could finally see the stars that i have been craving to see, hidden between the tall and so many skyscrapers of the city.
For the first time i felt like in the moment… there and then, not in past or in the future, calm and almost in a meditative state like, without trying or listening to a guided meditation on youtube…
As the sun went completely down it was pitch black and i spent some time in the stillness alone, i had to make my way back to the camp as sand filled my shoes, this time, it felt cool and almost cold.
I will never forget this wonderful feeling of stillness, calmness and the wide space the first evening and night spent in the desert
As the fire was getting smaller, it was time for bed to get a couple of hours sleep before waking up for the sunrise, as i could not miss it, the stars were there, the sand as well, now also in my hair, shoes and bag, but i did not mind it…
Morning came too quick and i woke up to a beautiful sunrise, warm sun, shining bright, in to my sleepy and dreamy eyes, sunkissing my whole body, that exact moment i realised i was deeply in love… in love with the desert
My first night but of course not the last
It was time to leave, to come back soon…