I have gone home for Christmas and New years…
Oh what a unusual Christmas it was,no snow, not even a one wet snowflake…
The global warming is a real thing after all!
We have gotten our free range tree from the forest, I handsomely decorated it with lights, candy and toys, some of them are my age, clipping them on very securely as to protect those from cats bashing them down haha
It is always fun to decorate a and Christmas traditions here are different.
There is no more homely smell then freshly baked pies, red candles, cinnamon and mandarins, oh of course we adapted mulled wine…
I prefer to make it my self as well, adding a shot of cognac or two… shhhh…. nobody needs to know…
I love to over indulge in food and drinks and lets not forget about cheese!
As when the Jan blues hit in and there will be rush for the gym, weight loss and “new year new me” type of stuff, it will be harder to justify ha ha…
If you feel similar and would like to invite me for cheese and wine tasting/party don’t be shy I wont judge you…
I will return on the 6th of Jan and will be looking forward to dates
I wish you a happy New year and to be kind to your self and others, appreciate time with your family and friends and see you next year!